27th March 2020

New Ways to Learn

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Journey to Wembley - storyWe hope that you are all keeping safe and sound in these strange times.

Schools and colleges will stay closed after 29th March. At Coolock Darndale Adult Literacy Service we are finding new ways to work with our students and look forward to making contact with everyone very soon.

For now, we are posting a story every day that was written by one of our students for you to enjoy. You can see posts on this website or at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoolockALS/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoolockALS

You can listen in, read along, and try some questions and puzzles at the end.

We looking forward to speaking with all of our students very soon!

HSE helpline: 1850 241850

Coronavirus Info Page

13th March 2020

Schools and Colleges Closed

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All schools and colleges are closed until the 29th March. Your classes are cancelled until the college re-opens.

Little things will make a big difference right now. We all need to do our bit to keep well and healthy.

RTE Primetime had some good tips last night.

The full epidsode is at this link: https://www.rte.ie/player/series/prime-time/SI0000000825?epguid=IH000382967

2nd March 2020

What if I feel ill?

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If you are showing symptoms:

  1. Self-isolate
  2. Phone your GP
  3. Do not attend a clinic or surgery

The HSE website has very clear information. You can visit the HSE information page here: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html

You can see and listen to more information below.

You can call us on 087-1902479 if you have questions.

2nd March 2020

From the HSE information page…

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What is Close Contact?

“Close contact means either:

  • face-to-face contact
  • spending more than 15 minutes within 2 metres of an infected person
  • living in the same house as an infected person”
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Symptoms of Corona Virus – Covid-19:

“It can take up to 14 days for symptoms of coronavirus to appear.

The symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a cough
  • shortness of breath
  • breathing difficulties
  • fever (high temperature)”

2nd March 2020

Audio Player

Protect yourself from coronavirus:



Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.”

Click here for full HSE information page!

Good Hand Washing

Watch this video from the HSE and World Health Organisation

Good Cough Etiquette

These kids in the US learn good cough etiquette

Chief Medical Officer Letter

3rd March 2020


Please click below to download Chief Medical Officer’s Letter to Parents – 2nd March 2020.

Chief Medical Officer’s Letter to Parents – 2nd March 2020

Some of this letter is included with sound below.

Audio Player

“While there is much to learn about Covid-19, we do know that: 

  • More than 80% of people who have contracted the virus have experienced it in a mild form and generally recover in 2 – 3 weeks, while 20% experience a more severe form of the disease, this tends to be associated with older age (greater than 60 years old and having other health issues, e.g. heart disease). 
  • As with influenza, the people most at risk are the elderly and those with underlying illness 
  • Covid-19 does not to appear to be as infectious as some other diseases – while a person with measles typically passes the virus on to 14 other people, with Covid-19 that number is estimated between two and three. 
  • Covid-19 is spread through close contact with an infected person’s body fluids (e.g. droplets from coughing or sneezing), or by touching surfaces that an infected person has coughed or sneezed on.
  • Current information suggests the Covid-19 virus may survive a few hours on surfaces and can be killed with simple household disinfectants.
  • The most important action we can take to protect ourselves from Covid-19 is regular hand-washing and good cough/sneeze hygiene.”

2nd March 2020

Audio Player

Corona Virus – Covid-19

You may be worried about Corona Virus and your classes at Coolock Darndale Adult Literacy Service.

A school on the northside of Dublin is closed for 2 weeks, further to a confirmed case. We are keeping a close watch on the situation. We will inform our staff and students of any relevant updates.

The HSE website has very clear information. You can visit the HSE information page here: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html

If you feel that you have come into close contact with the virus you need to self-isolate and phone your GP or local hospital. Do not attend a clinic or surgery.

We ask that you let us know immediately if you or someone you are in close contact with is being tested for Covid-19.

We thank everyone for keeping in good communication.

Please call us on 01-8487172 if you have questions.